Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Styling for thesis submission?!

I bought this pair of shoes to match my dress.
Of course, to celebrate too! ^^
I am happy to announce that I've finally submitted my dissertation yesterday (17th Dec 2012)! I've had about 3 extension dates, and I guess third time is indeed lucky as I've made it finally. It may be silly but I chose my dress carefully on my submission date. I wanted to wear one of my favourite dresses. It is one way I cope and celebrate little events in my life. I wonder if anyone else does this too? If yes, I'd love to hear about your thesis submission styling. ^^

from me to u.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps quite a different anecdote altogether but on completion of my Masters I dind't wear the gown, nor go to the parade. However, my brother had tickets for the Opera to celebrate, so I carefully chose a burgundy 1940's dress. I love the idea of dressing up for our own life's performances and staging! x


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